Bikshanda Murthy

Bikshanda Murthy

Meaning :Supreme mendicant or supreme Beggar 

In the challenge to supremacy between Vishnu and Brahma, Shiva entered as Lingothbavar and asked them to find his head or Foot.

Brahma assumed the form of male goose and started flying in search of the head of Shiva. Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha or the forest swine and started digging the earth to locate Shiva's leg.

Brahma gets the falling flower of Ketaki (Thale/Thazham poo) which falls from Shiva's head. Brahma goes to Shiva to claim victory and takes Ketaki as false witness. Vishnu returns and confesses he could not find the same. Shiva gets furious and curses that Ketaki will not be worshipped in any Shiva Temple and cuts off the 5th head of Brahma.

Thus Shiva get Brahmahathi Dosha. He is then asked to become a Kapali (naked) and ask for Alms. Also to teach a lesson to some Sages who think themselves as God.


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